Projects - Paintings and Prints
Tea on the Green
This was a commission for the tea rooms Tea on the Green in Cathedral Close, Exeter. The image of the black and white buildings was used by the manager of the tea rooms for his buinsess cards.
A Walk in the Alps
Inspiration can strike from the most unlikely of occuances and experiences. This series came from a walking holiday in the French Alps when my trusty walking boots lost their grip and I ended up falling and breaking my shoulder.
This is an ongoing series of images that were inspired by a colaborative project I was involved with. I started looking at and in old farm building and sheds, where I stumbled across old abandoned objects. I became fascinated by the randomness of these things and began to question why they had been kept, and then forgotten, and left to rust and rot.
These images are related to my "Sheds" series but taking a wider look at the farm buildings, machinery and the farming landscape.